Jace-ty using jace-simple theme

#11ty #Simple #Quick

What is this?

  1. Data driven theme, you update src/_data/site.js's theme, and it will use the theme folder in src/_includes/theme as indicated.
  2. If you want to change a file about the theme, instead of modifying the file, it will prefer the file in src/_includes/layouts/ first, if not found, it will look in src/_includes/theme/<theme_name>/layouts/
  3. Generators. I never was a fan of creating the individual files and folders for my posts, but I do like the organziation of it.
  4. There's more details in the readme, here's an copy/pasta

Jace-ty #

See this live here

Netlify Status

Jace's opinionated template for 11ty.

This project scaffold includes:

Update ./src/_data/site.js to have your details #

This file controls the features of this site.

Detail Comments
theme dictates the theme used
menu an array of links to have on top of site
baseURL the public base url used for the site
utterancesRepo the github project where utteranc.es works for this

Features #

Each feature is important, so I want to detail them here.

Syntax Highlightling #

I use the PrismJS theeme prism-a11y-dark.css with @11ty/eleventy-plugin-syntaxhighlight for this feature. You can change that template by updating base.njk with a link to your file.

This feature allows for title, subtitle, summary, and meta field searches on your posts. It's accomplished by making a javascript object and searching that from its definition in base.njk


I've added a Atom 1.0 valid feed from feed.njk. This is outside of the the theme folder as it's shared. It stands alone. /src/_includes/feed.njk renders to index.xml for the rss feed.

A folder structure for each post with proper passthrough for files #

What does this mean? Each post gets a folder. You don't have to do this but this is how I've built this theme. It means you can keep your assets relative to your content.
The folder structure is like this

├── ...
└── post/
    ├── my-first-post
    |   ├── featured-100.webp
    |   └── index.md
    └── my-second-post
        ├── featured-100.webp
        └── index.md

Comments powered by utteranc.es #

If you've set up utteranc.es on your repo, set that in the _data/site.js file.

Theme files take a backseat to local files meaning #

In the template files instead of a strait includes layouts/simple.njk I use a function called util.getFile("layouts/simple.njk"). This looks for the file outside of the theme, then inside the theme.

Let's walk through the example file given above. If we had the site.theme set to jace-simple, here's where it would look.

  1. ./src/_includes/layouts/simple.njk
  2. ./src/_includes/theme/jace-simple/layouts/simple.njk

If the file is not found in either case, it logs it out on build.

Creating Posts #

This template uses generators to make the files and images for posts. You can change how this works by modifying the code in ./generators.

One of the calls will generate the index.md, all the different image sizes needed for the templates.

yarn g post "This is the title of my post"

Generators #

I've added generator scripts to help build files.

Generic #

The main generator is ./generators/generic.js

This will create or replace the index.md, and featured-*.webp files.

This searches pixabay for the title, if it doesn't find a result, it
defaults to some random colors and objects until it finds something.

You call it by running this;

yarn g collection title #
# 1-^ 2-^ 3-^
# 1 - g or generate
# 2 - so post or services or talk
# 3 - title the title of the post.
# This renames the title to yyyy-mm-dd-title + title
# also replaces non-alphanumerics with `-`s

DownloadImages #

If you have a post and you want a different image but dont want to have resize them

yarn downloadImage ./src/post/my-first-post/ "search query"
# 1-^ 2-^
# 1 - this is the folder that we'll be targeting to replace the images in
# 2 - search query to pass to pixabay, you dont need quotes if one word
# if more than one word, you'll need to quote it.

BuildImages #

If you already have an image but you dont want to convert it this script is for you.

yarn buildImages ./src/post/my-first-post/featured.jpg
# 1-^
# 1 - this is the image we'll be resizing and converting
# this takes the image, creates a webp for the following
# sizes, 100, 200, 320, 360, 640, 720, 960, 1280
# These are specically used in the following templates
# ./src/_includes/footer.njk
# ./src/_includes/layouts/post.njk
# This is also used in ./src/post/post.json

Prerequisites #

Running locally #

# install the dependencies
yarn # or npm i # if you dont have yarn

# It will then be available locally for building with
yarn serve # or npm run serve if you dont have yarn